Baird Center public art will tell stories of Milwaukee’s rich culture and history

When a visitor enters through Baird Center’s main entrance, they are immediately greeted by Syl the security guard’s watchful eye. The hyperrealistic sculpture, crafted by Serbian-American artist and Milwaukee resident Marc Sijan, is a Baird Center delight, bringing both joy and a bit of confusion to travelers and locals alike. Although Syl is only a small part of what makes Baird Center unique, his presence makes a big impression on the convention center’s guests. 

When the Baird Center team was planning for an expansion, having a curated public art collection was always a priority. Some visitors may come to Baird Center for a conference or convention and never have a chance to explore the city outside the convention center walls. Baird Center’s team wanted to find a way to bring what makes the area special inside by telling Milwaukee and Wisconsin’s story through an extensive public art collection created by mostly local residents. 

The search for public art began in April 2022 when Baird Center’s project owner hired Colorado-based art consultant Public Art Services to guide the art selection process. Public Art Services’ first order of business was to identify the group charged with selecting the pieces that would eventually go into the Baird Center expansion. The team worked to identify panelists with diverse backgrounds in the visual arts and poetry community. Public Art Services selected a group not only passionate about the arts, but also passionate about Milwaukee. 

In the meantime, Public Art Services developed a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with guidance from Baird Center representatives to identify international, national, regional and locally-based artists and artist teams to create artwork that speaks to the region’s diverse culture and history. The RFQ asked artists to present works that:

  • Showcase a bold vision that the convention center staff, visitors, customers and Milwaukee and Wisconsin residents can take pride in.
  • Curate a sense of place that reflects the characters and culture of Milwaukee and the region.
  • Reference ideas of the past, present or future of Milwaukee and Wisconsin.
  • Engage visitors of all backgrounds.

The RFQ was released in August 2022 and closed in September of that year. 

Following a robust selection process, 16 artists and artist teams were awarded contracts. A few additional artists were selected with the assistance of EUA, an architectural firm that helped design the expanded Baird Center. Of the artists or artist teams selected, thirteen are Wisconsin-based. 

Baird Center will be profiling each artist and their piece or pieces. To see profiles, click here.